Tuesday, February 14, 2006

the troops revolt

My children think I'm a tyrant. They wish they had a kind mother, instead of the dictator they seem to have been lumbered with. Secretly they yearn for one of those ever-smiling, 'sure-you-can-sweetie', blonde mothers you see in margarine ads. How do I know this? Just consider the following statements which have been directed at me recently:

Laura: 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (loud tearful wail) Don't turn the TV off yet! Leave it ON!'

Benjamin: 'When I'm a Dad, I'm going to let my kids have lollies for breakfast, lollies for morning tea, lollies for lunch, lollies for afternoon tea and lollies for dinner"

Laura: 'Why do I have to do all these jobs?' (she has to put her PJs under her pillow and pull up her doona)

Benjamin: ' Guess what Mum? We're going to go to another country, where the mums and dads say you can put your feet on the table'

It's very distressing to think that they want to leave home at such an early age. I'll have to do something.

I'll pack a little snack for their trip.


Unknown said...

Yep, pack a snack for them - good idea Jelly *lol*

Seriously, though, send them to stay with me for a couple of weeks, they'll love you then! My kids have to help with the dishes every night, make their own lunches in the mornings, and keep their rooms clean too! They also have to clean the bathroom and toilet once a week.
No cordial in our house, lollies only occasionally, manners at the table (please!) and go make your bed.

Now I AM a tyrant *lol*

Alice said...

Let 'em go, Jelly, they won't go far. ShellyC took a bottle of cider and a packet of dry crackers but only went to the end of the garden. She did tell me that where she was going was for 'her to know and me to guess'.

Michelle said...

Yep....I even ran away to Switzerland for seven and a half years...and still came back!!

Oh and the bottle of cider and the packet of crackers that i took to keep me nourished was ALL that was in the cupboard at the time!!!!

Bet you haven't driven off and left one of your children in the driveway...on purpose!!!! Or taken your daughter to town to look for another mother!!! Jellyhead please don't think you're bad...I am worse!!

Susan Tidwell said...

Ahh the memories of raising kids! Never a dull moment, huh? Sounds like you have it all under control, keep up the good work!

Motherkitty said...

They only get whiny and belligerent because they love you so much. It's all part of growing up. If you were a real meany, they wouldn't even know what a television or a lollie was.

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your lovely family.

Alice said...

Jelly - ShellyC tells fibs. I never had a cupboard that only contained cider and dry bikkies.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Your kids sound very normal...

My youngest once packed her little suitecase and walked to the end of our very short street and then decided her suitecase was to heavy...and came back.

Kids are always wishing for some other mom who will let them have lollies for breakfast & lollies all day long...but they still love you and really down deep, they wouldn't trade you for another mommy in the world.

Mackey said...

Kids:P Gotta love 'em!

manababies said...

Hehe this is too cute. Thanks for a late morning giggle. :)

Anonymous said...

w I think I should have packed a snakc for mine a whiloe back!

Tyrants Unite!

Val said...

I too was a serial "runaway". Needless to say, I never got very far. Now MY kids are the ones who have grounds for running away (when oh when, thinks Val, they're 19 and 21). I am definitely the resident tyrant. Whenever the boys want anything, they always ask hubby. Such a softie!!

John Cowart said...

I think our main job as parents is to survive ourselves. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Oh the trials of being a mother. Don't fret none dear!-----wait 'til you can spoil your grandkids (like I do sometimes, hehehehe), and when they get mad at their parents you all can run away together! And make the most of it!!

(I just came over from Moogie's blog and read your blog for today...sorry for the intrusion.)

Judypatooote said...

Now your bringing back memories for me.....my kids all decided to leave home......and when I didn't protest, a block later they came home......with their little over night bag that they packed...... and I do have an idea for Ben.....I don't know what Lollies are, but probably a cookie of some kind.....well my daughter Lisa was complaining the same way about cookies when she was little...so the doctor told us to put a whole plate of cookies out for her to eat, so we did, and she thought that was pretty cool, she ate cookies all day, thinking she won. And after that, it wasn't so important to her. I don't know if she got a sick feeling, or just got bored with so many cookies....

Alipurr said...

don't worry, even when you do give them suckers for breakfast, they will find something else to whine about..... so every few weeks, i just let have whatever they can find....as long as they agree to the toothbrushing....