Wednesday, October 05, 2005

day at home with my kids

Wow, I guess that's a pretty enticing title (not!). I must admit that nothing too riveting happens on my days at home with the wee ones. They are good little kids, though (boy aged 3 and girl almost 5), and despite all the mundane sandwich-making, nose-blowing, and dispute-negotiating, there is also the laughing at dumb jokes, running around in the back yard, and the odd spontaneous tight hug for me.

Right now they are watching TV (kids educational programs but still ... I feel guilty when I use the TV as entertainer, so try to limit it to 1/2-1 hour per day) - Laura with a pink ballerina dress on (appropriate morning attire as far as she's concerned), and Benjamin sucking his thumb whilst clutching Sheet (grubby old cot sheet which I have to sneak away to wash every now & then causing subsequent complaints that 'it doesn't smell good anymore!').
I myself should not criticise my daughter for her clothing, as at least she isn't still in PJs like her bad mother...... time to shower and dress and get on with the rest of the day!

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